2017 - PRESENT



“They say it is love. We say it is unwaged work.”

Silvia Federici, Wages Against Housework 1975

Excerpt from Brujas, Wages for Housework PREVIEW

The Women of The Wages For Housework movement of the 1970's organized and educated one another around the belief that unpaid care work, reproductive and domestic labor were sites of capital accumulation that upheld the economy. Their caring for men who worked outside the home for wages, the raising of children – future consumers and laborers, without wages, contributed to the accumulation of civilizations. They advocated for women’s economic self-determination and for welfare rights. BRUJAS argue that images of women’s street skateboarders who are also children of immigrants, contrast the domestic life and labor of women and provide the failing economy with a sense of future.

Women’s skateboarding as an industry has followed this pattern, taking on plenty of “carework” including teaching young kids, and working to make public spaces inclusive and safe from violence. Unpaid editorial and image work, including social media, directs the commercial sphere. All of it together allows the state more distance from the responsibility of human welfare and gives power over to the market !  We ask for health and wages for our mothers and for their children today and everyday !

unedited rushes: Dada Coz and Federici read selections from Federici’s landmark text, ‘Wages Against Housework’